Memorial Cookbook

Those Who Have Died
by Suicide


Parents of a Suicide
Denise Bellion, Mother of Carl Cufone

Questions left unanswered
Torturing to the head;
Lie in bed awake at night
Wondering what you could have said.

Gone, forever,
Never to be seen
Their eyes which did sparkle
And so brightly gleam.
Are they here or not,
I wonder every day.
Again, questions left unanswered,
Much to my dismay.

Memories are foggy,
Turning into blur,
To speak their name aloud
Has become just another slur.
Forbidden by society,
The silence becomes so loud
Don’t tell them how they left you,
It might upset the crowd.

A wonderful human being has left
And no one really cares.
All that’s left is open mouths
With nothing but silly stares.
No questions or answers
There for you,
Your shoes they never wore.
It’s not a pair for anyone;
Can’t be bought in any store.

If the price tag was visible,
I know not one would buy
The cost to wear these shoes
Is just too friggin’ high.

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Cookbook Home

Parents of Suicide
Friends and Families of Suicide

 Created with Love for
ALL of our loved ones by:
Elaine Davison
Mother of Mark Baker
Rose City, Mi
07/31/80 to 01/05/98

© 06/2004
All rights reserved



"On The Internet"
"We Remember Them"
"When Someone is Too Bruised to be Touched"
"Recipe Contributors"


"I Am Alive"
        By: Jeff Shuck


  • Angelic Appetizers & Beverages

    "POS is a Light House"
           By: Alice Stephen


  • Special Soups & Salads

     "The Invisible Cord"
            With Love From Terri Apostolakos


  • Various Vegetables & Side Dishes


    "Parents of a Suicide"
            By Denise Bellion


  • Mouth-Watering Main Dishes


    "Special Quotes"


  • Butterfly Breads & Rolls


    "Words To Ponder"


  • Delicious Desserts

    "A Guide to Healing After Death, Loss and Suicide"
            By: Iris Bolton


  • Yummy Cookies & Candy


    "We Remember Them"
            ~From the Jewish Book of Prayer~


  • Vivacious Variety