Memorial Cookbook

Those Who Have Died
by Suicide


The POS-FFOS Memorial Cookbook was inspired by the dream and energy of one of our members, Mare Sanford, mother of Moe.

The POS-FFOS Memorial cookbook was created as a special way to keep memories of our friends or family members who died by suicide alive, by preserving recipes that have a connection with them.

The POS-FFOS Memorial cookbook is dedicated in loving memory to those who were overwhelmed by their troubles, but whose lights still shine in our hearts.

The POS-FFOS Memorial cookbook is the product of the work of every person who submitted a recipe, along with the additional work of the cookbook committee, which was composed of the following people.

Mare Sanford, Moe's Mom
Elaine Davison, Mark's Mom
Karyl Chastain Beal, Arlyn's Mom
Darlene Zimmerman, Tyler's Mom
Jane Brendle, Cameron's Step-Mom
Veronica Siraki, Joszef's Wife
Shirley Hawley, Derek's Mom
Joan George, Erick's Mom
Stephanie Brookhouse, Chad's Wife
Marianne Piquet, Mary's Daughter
Cyndy Hund, Michael's Mom
Sharon Dungey, Tami's Mom

We hope you will enjoy reading through the cookbook, and we also hope You'll enjoy using the recipes in your own meals. When you do, please say a silent prayer for the solutions to be found to suicide, so that one day, there is no need for groups like POS and FFOS.


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Cookbook Home

Parents of Suicide
Friends and Families of Suicide


 Created with Love for
ALL of our loved ones by:
Elaine Davison
Mother of Mark Baker
Rose City, Mi
07/31/80 to 01/05/98

© 06/2004
All rights reserved



"On The Internet"
"We Remember Them"
"When Someone is Too Bruised to be Touched"
"Recipe Contributors"


"I Am Alive"
        By: Jeff Shuck


  • Angelic Appetizers & Beverages

    "POS is a Light House"
           By: Alice Stephen


  • Special Soups & Salads

     "The Invisible Cord"
            With Love From Terri Apostolakos


  • Various Vegetables & Side Dishes


    "Parents of a Suicide"
            By Denise Bellion


  • Mouth-Watering Main Dishes


    "Special Quotes"


  • Butterfly Breads & Rolls


    "Words To Ponder"


  • Delicious Desserts

    "A Guide to Healing After Death, Loss and Suicide"
            By: Iris Bolton


  • Yummy Cookies & Candy


    "We Remember Them"
            ~From the Jewish Book of Prayer~


  • Vivacious Variety