POS-FFOS Walk Team


Thank You to you all who have walked
for our children, Family & Friends

(Click on photo to enlarge)

Walkers at opening ceremony

Before the start of the walk

Steve and Marcia Resnick

Crowd at Opening Ceremony

The Overnight in 2005

At opening ceremony

Jeanette Lehane and Tricia Kent

Before the walk

Marcia Resnick

Listening to the speeches

Jeanette Lehane (baseball hat) Kris Reed

(with sunglasses next to Jeanette) at opening ceremony


Before Walking

Chris Mitchell, Bunkie Rivkin and Ray Burke

POS Banner in far back

POS banner in far back next to the stage


Used for the 2005 Overnight walk

Before the walk

Marcia Resnick and Bunkie Rivkin

Dennis is in the crowd

Dennis Gates is in the hat with a side profile

(lower left corner of picture)

Waiting to start walking

Nancy Palmer & Patti Zingaro with

Tricia Kent holding the banner

POS Members

Resting before the walk

Start of walk 2005

Not Stretching

Tricia Kent, Jeanette Lehane, Kris Reed

& Nancy Savarda all NOT Stretching

Bracelets remember

Nancy Palmer & Patti Zingaro leg bracelets

Starting the walk

Steve Resnick and Bunkie Rivkin

(Back view)

Banner in the crowd

Starting their walk

Maryanne & Ray Burke

Gathering at Solider Field

Nancy Palmer, Mary-Anne Reed,

Kris Reed & Patti Zingaro

Resting in the shade

Nancy Palmer, Patti Zingaro & Jeanette Lehane

(in the back) resting before the walk

Laughing in the sun

Wendi White and Nancy Savarda waiting

for the walk to begin

A hug at the luncheon

Tricia Kent and Patti Zingaro

At the luncheon

Mary Anne & Ray Burke

Chatting at luncheon

Marcia Resnick, Randy Williams,

Jeanette Lehane, Kris Reed & Mary-Anne Reed

Enjoying Lunch

Pam Tonagel Hendriks, Robin Tonagel, Andy Hendriks, Brian Reid and Tonagel Hendriks family

NEXT (Page 2)


Parents of Suicides

Friends and Families of Suicide