Member Connections


Our friendships are enriched
when we meet each other in person.
Below, you will see photos from various POS gatherings.

Click on photo to enlarge.

checking e-mail

Brenda & Tom

Janine & Shelia
watch Chris
check mail

Chris M,
happy to be here

Chris M,
David (age 3),

Nancy & David
decorating the tree

Louie with Chris
while she naps

Janine G
with doll made by Alexa

Louie & Bunkie
watch Chris work.

NY Rap: L - R
Marcia, Alice,
Linda L, Ginny,
Argia, Randi

Bunkie, Jerri, Sandy B.

Trish in RI,
surrounded by ...

Joyce & Tracy
in England!

Carol & Joyce
Linda & Bob
In England - UK Gathering

Honorary POS Men:
Ronnie, Tom & Louie

Ladies of POS
L-R Bunkie, Shelia, Janine
Brenda, Chris A, Nancy
Karyl, Chris

Bunkie, Nancy
In California
October 2001

Erica, Lynne, Glennis
Kiwi Gathering in
New Zealand

Marge (Rivermom) & Shelia
at the Suwanee River
in Florida, November 9, 2001

Marge & Shelia
at the Suwanee River
in Florida, November 9, 2001

Shirley, Alice, Deb,
Lloyd & Bev, Sandy & Ed,
Shirley, Nancy & Jerry,
Midwest Retreat

Marcia, Linda,
Barb and Tracy
New York City, September 15, 2001

Iris, Maggi & Shari
at Maggi's
September 2002

Kristi, Christa, Bunkie
Tracy & Barb
in Philly October 26, 2002